Can non-professional photographers apply?

Yes.  You do not need to be a professional photographer to apply for the Amplifier Fellowship.

Can collaborators apply?

Yes. We will accept applications from multiple creative collaborators.  A collaboration duo would still receive a single 20k award.

Is there any age restriction for applicants?


Can I submit my application by mail?

No.  Unless it's some kind of amazing art object that is crucial to understanding you and your project. If that is the case you can mail it to the Amplifier Office in LA, if you can figure out the address.

When will I be notified of the outcome of the jury?

We will send an email notification to all applicants photographers on January 15, 2024 to all applicants.

Does the Amplifier Fellowship offer guidance or commentary on the proposals?

No. Maybe.  Depends on if you run into one of our mentors or advisors or employees at a bar or in the subway or something like that.  Then you might be able to ask questions.  But cold-calling or cold-emailing will not work.

Can I submit multiple applications for different projects?

Yes. But only if they are all really really (really) good.  

My Project Description, Project Proposal, or Biography is longer than the length stated in the guidelines. Can I still submit it/them?

There are always exceptions to the rules, but if you can't sum it up briefly and if we can’t see it in a handful of photos right away then it doesn’t matter how many words you use.

I have been researching a photo project but have made very few images (or no images) thus far.  Can I still apply?

Yes. Submit early pictures or concept drawings.  Your portfolio and past bodies of work will tell us if you can execute the project.

Can I enter if I live outside of the U.S. or am not a U.S. citizen?

If you are not a US citizen but live in the US and care that much about the state of our democracy then please do submit!  

The photographic part of my project is almost finished but is still ongoing.  Can I submit a project like this to get help launching the work or changing its shape into something that can be used more effectively? 

The Amplifier Fellowship is not for photographic projects that are already completed and in need only of distribution as we would like to have the conversations in our cohort, and with our mentors, supporting the evolution and creation of new work.  

Do you still have questions?

email: Fellowship@Amplifier.org